Vaccine to protect people from Trump

A new vaccine has been made available to protect people against the effects of Donald Trump and his new presidency.
50% of America do not like Donald Trump and therefore 50% of America need to be protected from the effects of his rule to put America first.
Starting today, January 20th at clinics all over the USA you can get a free dose of the Trump vaccine.
Especially developed serum protects you from one year of the effects of Donald Trump on your life.
Immediately after being injected you will feel a sense of calm. You’ll be more happy you’ll be accepting of other people who do not agree with you.
To Trump supporters you will look like one of them but inside you definitely are not one of them.
The vaccine will protect you who you are as a person and your values will always remain with you.
As long as you get a new updated vaccine every year, you will be safe from the effects of Donald Trump and you will not convert over to his idealism.

Some side effects of the vaccine for males are increased breast size, moodiness, talking to yourself and migraines.
For females some side effects have been reported as being increased competitiveness, desire to chop things with an ax, and produce children.

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